What is the Shopify Affiliate Program?
The Shopify Affiliate Program includes entrepreneurs, educators, influencers, and content creators who inspire and teach their audience about entrepreneurship with Shopify. The program is free to join, and allows you to monetize your audience and earn commissions from each new Shopify merchant referral.
Once you’ve been approved for the Shopify Affiliate Program, you’ll be given a unique affiliate link that you can share on your website, webinars, social media, video tutorials, educational courses — however you choose.
The more you promote, the more you earn. Take advantage of our simple linking tools and eye-catching banners. Share Shopify with your audience and monetize your web site.
Make industry-leading commission! Earn the first two months of a customer’s paid subscription fee (200% bounty) for every new Shopify merchant that you refer — up to $598 on standard plans. Earn 100% bounty on our enterprise plan which pays $2,000 for new Shopify Plus referrals.